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Last updated 10 April 2012
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On the ABC of the Classical Dutch, IM Andrew Martin gives the student a thorough grounding in the ways of this unconventional opening.
The positions that are reached after 1...f5 are always sharp and unclear, suiting the chessboard warrior very well. You cannot play the Dutch with a faint heart!
The ABC of the Classical Dutch will analyse systems where predominantly Black plays with an early ...d7-d6. There are discussions of all the key ideas and opening themes, as well as repertoire suggestions for Black.
The Classical Dutch does not enjoy an especially good reputation at the highest level, but from time to time the great players have employed 1...f5 when fighting outright for the win.
It would not have been a good idea to tell Alekhine, Botvinnik, Bronstein or Larsen that 1...f5 is a weak move!
The world of the Classical Dutch is a rather unusual one. If you are looking for a winning weapon as Black and you are an uncompromising fighter, then this opening is for you! Video running time: 3 hours 45 minutes.
1.Nf3 - a variable Repertoire for White’ is the name for a comprehensive opening system strategy based on security and choice. The old maxim of perceiving 1.e4 openings as tactical and more dangerous as opposed to the more positional and peaceful 1.d4 openings no longer reflects the modern world of chess openings.
This repertoire DVD is the fruit of a lifetime’s experience, as the author Lubomir Ftacnik uses it actively in his practice. The system gives all White players the chance to fine-tune the level of exposure and risk – from the main lines of all the great 1.d4 and 1.c4 openings all the way to the concept of playing “Black” lines with an extra tempo – as in the King’s Indian in reverse.
The explanations deal with all the big challenges – the English Opening, Nimzo-Indian systems, the Catalan, the Dutch Defence and of course that annoying reply 1...d5. Video running time: 4 hours 33 min.
Ever since the Kasparov-Kramnik WCh match (London 2000) players with the white pieces have been breaking their teeth biting on the Berlin Wall in the Ruy Lopez.
There may also have been some successes for White of course, but time and again Black has convincingly demonstrated how to equalise or even how to construct an impregnable fortress.
The situation from White’s point of view has become precarious – ducking it is equivalent to capitulation, because in all alternative variations to the Berlin endgame White gives up from the start on the struggle for an opening advantage.
What can he do? There is no other way, White has to find ways to crack open Black’s defence. With this background in mind, this new DVD by Alexei Shirov comes at just the right time.
There is hardly any other grandmaster of his class who is as well known for his uncompromising and creative play as the Latvian. In over 3 hours of video he will provide you with a multitude of strategic finesses, innovative ideas and specific suggestions. Video running time: 3 hours 49 min.
Maybe you remember the famous game McDonnell-De Labourdonnais from their 1834 match in London, the one in which three connected black pawns reached the second rank and forced White’s resignation. What you probably do not know is that this game started with the moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 e5.
White’s most common move then was 5.Nb5, which Black for many years preferred to meet with 5...a6, which is a strategically risky decision. But a completely new development of the whole system was initiated in 1987, when Evgeny Sveshnikov, the godfather of the Sveshnikov Sicilian (4...Nf6 5.Nc3 e5), changed to 4...e5 and followed this with 5...d6, which is positionally more sound.
The latter move brings us to the subject of the current DVD - the Kalashnikov, or the Neo-Sveshnikov line. In 32 video clips Dejan Bojkov covers the main ideas behind Black’s setup, the positional ideas behind the opening, the dangers that the second player is facing and prepares a thorough and deep repertoire for those willing to play the line as Black.
The DVD is separated into two parts - the first one provides the main ideas behind the opening, and the second gives the theoretical material.
The main point behind Black’s idea is that he occupies the centre without any delay, with tempo. The main drawback - the weakening of the d5-square. Which factor should prevail? Watch the DVD to find out! Video running time: 6 hours.
The Modern Benoni is perhaps the most dynamic approach to meeting 1.d4 without sacrificing a pawn.
A lot of legendary players have had a sincere love affair with this opening. The most imaginative world champion of all time, Michail Tal is perhaps the player who has done most to popularise the opening.
In this DVD International Master Ari Ziegler is giving you a fighting repertoire against all White systems in the Modern Benoni. The target audience is club players with Elo 1500-2400. Thanks to Ziegler’s research you will find many surprisingly simple solutions in some lines, while in the critical lines which are being debated he gives new moves or reevaluates underrated systems.
With this DVD to back up your repertoire in the Benoni you will combat White from the beginning with counter-blows, strikes, positional traps or deep strategic plans, all that is necessary to hunt White down! Video running time: 4 hours 57 min.
The Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack with 1.b3 (or 1.Nf3 followed by 2.b3) is an opening system that has been rather neglected by the theoreticians but can prove deadly in the hands of the skilled tournament player.
Leading exponents of this move have included both brilliant attacking players such as Ljubomir Ljubojevic, Albin Planinc and Artashes Minasian and positional players such as Tigran Petrosian, Mark Taimanov and Vladimir Bagirov.
Even Bobby Fischer tried it in several games instead of his favourite 1.e4. And the greatest exponent of this system was the legendary Danish Grandmaster, Bent Larsen.
White’s set up emphasises flexibility, often adapting his position to what Black does in reply. This can prove quite lethal to opponents who like to play a single predictable set up as Black and even strong players can go badly astray when confronted by the unusual problems it poses.
On this DVD Davies arms the viewer with insights into how to handle things and demonstrates how he thinks White should meet Black’s main defences. Using examples taken from the practice of leading exponents of this opening he explains the strategies clearly and concisely. Video running time: 4 hours 40 minutes.