rampant lion


Last updated 13 July 2024

lewis king

This page lists the winners of the individual championship and team leagues since their inception. The CC championship was contested under the aegis of the Scottish Chess Association prior to the creation of the SCCA in 1977. Any updates from archivists are welcome!

Multiple Championship Winners
10Mackintosh, I
6Cumming, D R
4Beecham, C R
3Brown, Dr A C; Giulian, P M; McAlpine, K B; Norris, A J
2Bryson, D M; Buchan, A W; Dawson, Prof A G; Gillam, S R; Hunter, D B A; Lennox, C J; Montgomery, R S; Sneddon, I; Watson, J
Multiple League Winners
17Perth Correspondents
7Social Stars
6Five Brave Englishmen; Hounds of the Scheming Mind A
4Chess Suppliers; Streatham & Brixton
3The Establishment; Black Knight
2Kirkcaldy Kings; Knights of the Square Table
2023-24Buchan, A W; Sneddon, I
2022-23Montgomery, R S; Sneddon, I
2021-22Buchan, A W
2020-21Cumming, D R
2019-20Mackintosh, I
2018-19Cumming, D R; Mackintosh, I
2017-18Murden, C; Cumming, D R; Mackintosh, I
2016-17Cumming, D R
2015-16Mackintosh, I
2014-15Montgomery, R S
2013-14Cumming, D R
2012-13Mackintosh, I
2011-12Mackintosh, I
2010-11Graham, S
2009-10Cumming, D R; Dawson, Prof A G; Mackintosh, I
2008-09Dawson, Prof A G
2007-08Beecham, C R
2006-07Beecham, C R
2005-06Mackintosh, I
2004-05Brown, Dr A C; Mackintosh, I; Reeman, I F
2003-04Brown, Dr A C
2002-03Brown, Dr A C
2001-02Beecham, C R
2000-01Beecham, C R
1999-00Lennox, C J; Thomson, T
1998-99Gillam, S R
1997-98Lennox, C J; Mackintosh, I
1996-97(no competition)
1995-96Gillam, S R; Watson, J
1994-95McKay, C C; Watson, J
1993-94Boyle, C F
1991-93Down, N
1990-92McGowan, P
1989-91Craig, T J
1988-90Sprott, G R
1987-89Shaw, A J
1986-88Norris, A J
1985-87Wickens, T S
1984-86Norris, A J
1984-85Norris, A J
1983-84Giulian, P M; Morrison, G J
1982-83Giulian, P M
1981-82Giulian, P M
1980-81Bryson, D M
1979-80Morrison, C J
1978-79Bryson, D M; Jenkins, D M; McKerracher, D
1977-78McAlpine, K B
1976-77McAlpine, K B
1975-76McAlpine, K B
1974-75Holmes, H D
1973-74MacNeill, J N
1972-73Johnston, W; Marshall, C W
1971-72Ponting, A
1970-71Hunter, D B A
1969-70Hunter, D B A
2024White Rose A (1= Web), England B (1= Web), No Postal League
2023BCCA Tigers (1 Web), No Postal League
2022Social A (1 Web), No Postal League
2021Hounds of the Scheming Mind A (1 Web), No Postal League
2020Hounds of the Scheming Mind A (1 Web), No Postal League
2019Hounds of the Scheming Mind A (1 Web), No Postal League
2018Hounds of the Scheming Mind A (1 Web), No Postal League
2017Hounds of the Scheming Mind A (1 Web), No Postal League
2016Hounds of the Scheming Mind B (1 Web), No Postal League
2015BCCA Diamonds (1 Web), No Postal League
2014Social Stars (1= Web), Scheming Mind (1= Web), BCCA A (1 Post)
2013Hounds of the Scheming Mind A (1 Web), Perth Corr, Social Stars (1= Post)
2012Perth Correspondents (1 Web, 1 Post)
2011Perth Correspondents (1 Web, 1 Post)
2010Perth Correspondents (1= Web, 1= Post), Social Stars (1= Web, 1= Post)
2009Perth Correspondents (1 Web, 1= Post), Social A (1= Post)
2008Perth Correspondents, Social Stars, Black Knight
2007Perth Correspondents, Social Stars
2006Perth Correspondents
2005Black Knight, Perth Correspondents
2004Five Brave Englishmen
2003Five Brave Englishmen
2002Five Brave Englishmen
2001Five Brave Englishmen
2000Five Brave Englishmen
1999Kirkcaldy Kings
1998Five Brave Englishmen
1997Perth Correspondents
1996Kirkcaldy Kings
1995Bourne End Bucks
1993Perth Correspondents
1992Knights of the Square Table, Streatham & Brixton
1991Knights of the Square Table
1990Crowwood, Streatham & Brixton
1989Black Knight, The Establishment, Streatham & Brixton
1988Streatham & Brixton
1987Chess Suppliers
1986The Establishment
1985The Establishment
1984Chess Suppliers
1983Perth Correspondents
1982Chess Suppliers
1981Perth Correspondents
1980Chess Suppliers